in May !
Check out these pages
just for fun.
I thought it
might be worthwhile idea to list some web sites that I found interesting. Hopefully you
will too. While the underlying concept contained within this web site is Spiritual in
nature, the web sites listed will consist of varying subject matter. I want the sites to
be eye appealing as well as to contain themes and ideas that are interesting and in some
cases totally unique. If you find a site or something on it that inspires you or catches
your eye please be so kind as to give me the address of that site, because I might place
it on this page as well. Space will be of concern because we don't want to become to
overwhelmed, so to be fair I will probably change some of the sites or update them
periodically so as we can continue to have a variety of interesting subjects to view.
use the space provided below to send us any of your suggestions, and include your
Email address so we can contact you if needed.
By the mid
May 2001 we'll have some listings for you