Words of Wisdom

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I thought it might be nice to have some thoughts, ideas or inspired messages .

I'll change the content of this page every couple of weeks.

I hope that this week's selection will be of service to you.

This weeks selection :



I want to be Healthy

I want to be Happy

I want to be Successful

Please allow these things to be a part of my life.


This is a prayer that many of us have uttered. These are things that we all want, things that we all hope and pray for. The truth is that we are all God’s children, and as a child of God have these things available to us as our natural birthright.


Rather than asking for these things, we need to learn to accept these things as a part of our life and graciously receive them.

Prayers are truly beautiful wonderful and powerful things, but when done in the form of an affirmation they tend to be much more effective.


I am Healthy

I am Happy

I am Successful

I thank you for these Truths

and for enabling them to be a part of my life.


This is an affirmation, and a more effective way to pray. Believe that you already posses that which you seek. Be grateful for it and thank God for allowing it to be a part of your life. Act as though you already posses it, believe this in your heart, and it will most assuredly be yours.


May God Bless

The Teacher

Please feel free to make a comment concerning these messages, and if you'd like to communicate with me, or have me communicate with you, please include your Email address along with your comments.

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